
Showing posts from May, 2021


MY EXPERIENCE WITH ANTS One day I was sitting on a swing with my dad when a piece of walnut that I was eating fell down. My dad was about to pick it up when he saw some ants. He said ‘Let’s leave this walnut for the ants.’ In few seconds, we saw an ant coming near the walnut. The ant started circling the walnut. Then the ant went away. We were confused. We thought that may be ants don’t like walnuts. But then after some moments It came back with many other ants. They all started breaking the walnut into many small pieces and started carrying it to their home. They were in two straight lines. One line was of the ants coming to get the piece and one line was carrying back the piece to their home. They were very organized. They were carrying much larger and heavier piece than their body weight. (A fun fact – An ant can carry 50 times their body weight) I was really amazed by their efforts and skills. To help them get more food, I put down a piece of raisin for them as well. I am sure th


  मैना मैना आती है मेरे घर गाना गाती है पेड़ पर बैठ कर खाना खाती और पानी पीती मेरे साथ हर दिन कभी नहीं जाती मुझे मिले बिन प्यारे प्यारे उसके बच्चे लगते है मुझे बहोत अच्छे पीली पीली है उसकी चोंच खेलु उनके साथ रोज़ अैसी है मेरी सोच ! -        अनाया शेठ


  SAVING SPARROW Sparrows are fascinating little birds Their chirp chirp sound is nice to be heard In India 5 type of sparrows can be found 26 species are in the world all around They are very social, they live in flocks Sing beautiful songs, that’s how they talk They swim underwater and love to hop They make nests in the holes and on the tree tops But sparrows are now falling in population We must all work towards their conservation Plant more trees for them to make a home So in search for a place they don’t have to roam Keep out a bowl of their favourite grains And some water too when it does not rain Reduce air pollution that we must do That will help sparrow grow to many from a few Sparrows will then be very thrilled Hearing their chirp again, our wish would be fulfilled. -    ANAYA SHETH


  Mother O Mother, you are my shining light You are so bright I love you more than anyone else on the Earth When you are around, I am full of mirth You take me wherever you go Near or far, high or low You make my day the best And you never take any rest You make delicious food The smell of it cheers up my mood! -        ANAYA SHETH


  Mamma, I love you You have so much to do I hug and kiss you with all my might I feel that you are always right Mamma, you are so versatile I cannot live without you even for a while I am thankful to God for a fact That my mamma is so perfect You are marvelous You are the best mamma in the whole universe You are so smart   You conquer every art I want to say it out loud My mamma is my world! -        ANAYA SHETH


  A SECRET PASSAGE BOOM- THUD! Anika heard a sound coming from the Attic. Anika was sleeping in her room. It was late at night. Anika heard the sound and woke up. She was scared. She couldn’t go alone to the attic at night. Anika decided to explore the attic in the morning. Anika was kind, helpful and brave girl. She always wore a pink bow in her hair and her favourite colour was blue. Anika lived in a big house with her parents. Her house had a beautiful garden and she loved playing in the garden. In the morning, she quickly woke up and got ready. She was very excited. She told her mom that she was going to play in the attic. She went to the attic to inquire about the sound. She started to look around. The attic was dark and there were many things lying around. Anika started to look around. Then suddenly Anika saw an open closet. She looked inside it and saw a tunnel. Anika was shocked. Anika entered the tunnel. She walked and walked for quite some time. When she reached at t