BOOM- THUD! Anika heard a sound coming from the Attic. Anika was sleeping in her room. It was late at night. Anika heard the sound and woke up. She was scared. She couldn’t go alone to the attic at night. Anika decided to explore the attic in the morning.

Anika was kind, helpful and brave girl. She always wore a pink bow in her hair and her favourite colour was blue. Anika lived in a big house with her parents. Her house had a beautiful garden and she loved playing in the garden.

In the morning, she quickly woke up and got ready. She was very excited. She told her mom that she was going to play in the attic. She went to the attic to inquire about the sound. She started to look around. The attic was dark and there were many things lying around. Anika started to look around. Then suddenly Anika saw an open closet. She looked inside it and saw a tunnel. Anika was shocked. Anika entered the tunnel. She walked and walked for quite some time. When she reached at the end of the tunnel, she was stunned. She couldn’t believe her eyes. She saw a big garden full of flowers. The flowers were singing. There were big trees with purple fruits. Anika plucked one fruit and ate it. Suddenly, she got wings and started to fly. Anika was overjoyed. She saw gigantic dinosaurs and many other animals she couldn’t recognize. She saw a magnificent unicorn on a rainbow. Then after some time, Anika thought her mother would be worried. She must go back to her home now. But she was lost. She didn’t know the way back. She decided to ask someone but who? There was no one around. Anika was terrified. But she was a brave girl. She didn’t lose hope. She decided to look for help. She walked for some time and found a sleeping dragon. She asked “Excuse me, Can you please help me? I am lost.” Dragon asked shockingly “Who are you? Why are you here?” Anika told him her story. Dragon said “You are in the womb of the earth. No human has ever come here. I will help you but first you must answer my riddle.” The riddle was

 “What grows when it eats but dies when it drinks?”

Anika thought hard. Was it plants? Was it any animal? No. Then she knew the answer. The answer was Fire. The dragon was pleased. He said “I will take you back but I have no friends here. Will you be my friend?” Anika of course said Yes. She hopped on dragon’s back and dragon flew her back to the tunnel opening. She thanked the dragon and went back home. Now whenever she is bored, she joins her dragon friend in the womb of the earth. They fly, sing songs with flowers, play games and have lots of fun!


Moral – Don’t panic when faced with a difficulty. Think calmly and you will find a solution.

-        Anaya Sheth


  1. Very Creative Thoughts, keep it up !

  2. Superb ,, can't believe that a 7 yr old child can imagine so much in depth...
    Great pls keep her penning continue and keep sharing great thoughts of our tiny angel...
    Naveen Bohra

  3. Very creative and thoughtful.keep it up anaya


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