
Showing posts from August, 2024

Letter to Anaya on her 11th birthday

  Darling Daughter,   Happy 11 th Birthday! It’s hard to believe that you are a tween but I am really enjoying ‘the 11-year-old’ you. I love our ‘grown up’ conversations (with a dash of your innocence).   I can’t wait to share clothes, jewellery, makeup and more ‘Girl Wisdom’ with you. Gucci, I wish you could see yourself through our eyes and only then would you truly know how much we love you (Don’t roll your eyes, Missy. Parents are allowed to be as sappy as they want). You were such an easy baby (or my memory is totally biased). Hardly threw any tantrum...never asked for toys...slept all night...always happy (well…most of the time!).   We hope your tween and teenage years will also be the same – without attitude and tantrums (though I do enjoy your childish tantrums sometimes). As a baby, you were always ahead of your milestones (Thank God for that or what would have your overthinking mother done?), and still, you are really mature than your age (My partiality is really shini


  India, our beautiful motherland A place of unity and strength ‘Unity in Diversity’ is what it stands for Equality and the right to be unique, who could want more? Yes, we remain undivided ‘Togetherness’ is the word to be said But through bloody and teary fights between ourselves Our love is getting less and less We should always be there for each other After all, we are sisters and brothers So let’s end these needless fights And see each other in a whole new light Come together and take a pledge, Let us resolve to make our nation great! -ANAYA SHETH