Our darling daughter,

Happy Birthday!

You are now in double digits. You have ruled our hearts for 3652 days now. Thank you for bringing eternal sunshine to our lives. You are growing up way too fast, my child. Sometimes, we do miss your baby days but watching you grow up so wonderfully brings us immense joy and happiness. I still remember your Daddy’s words on the day you were born ‘She looks so smart!’. Everyone laughed then but you really are blossoming into a bright, intelligent, inquisitive, kind hearted, head strong young lady. Being your parents is one of the greatest joys of our lives.

This past year brought a major change in your life – Change of school. We know that you feel so much discomfort with changes and you loved your old school so much. Still, you didn’t hesitate to come out of your comfort zone. You accepted and embraced this change so bravely. Truth to be told, we were worried sick about it but you proved us wrong. You adjusted since day one and are now thriving at the new school. It was truly admirable! Remember in life, to achieve something, you must have to come out of your comfort zone.

You are still a bookworm, even more so. We love that you are incredibly passionate about reading 🧿but you need other hobbies too, sweetheart. Do you know I was really anxious when you were a baby that whether you would enjoy reading like us or not? Somehow, I found that of upmost importance. I started showing you baby books from the day you learned to focus for a bit 😊. I was a silly mom back then. But you were flipping the book pages like a pro before you could walk. That made me so happy, it still does. Now we are just a tad concerned that reading is all you want to do. Try doing other things too, my love (and I don’t mean new genre of books😊).

You, as always, are excelling in studies 🧿. Till last year, I felt like I had to push you in your studies but this year I feel different. You are putting so much efforts on your own. You have adapted so well to new ways of teaching. You take active participation in school, concentrate in your classes and even teach me a thing or two. You are learning a whole new language and that too so well. We couldn’t be prouder.

You mastered your swimming this year. There are still some steps to go but you are almost there. Do you know why you could do it? You showed determination. You decided that you want to swim a full pool length and you worked hard for that with your daddy. You didn’t give up. You faced your fear of going into deep side. Sunshine, there is no limit to what you can achieve when you are determined.

My Matilda, you are becoming lazy in your writing. You still love it and are very good in it, you just don’t prioritize it. Baby, I have said this in last year letter too and telling you again ‘Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard’. I know you have quite a busy schedule but very few are blessed with such talent . Work hard on it and prioritize on writing, it will take you to places and would help you in all facets of life. With your writing skills you will be able to stand out in the crowd, so sharpen it by continuous practice.

My Rapunzel, you are different from other girls of your age. You don’t enjoy dressing up in fancy clothes or makeup or dancing. Right now, I am glad it doesn’t bother you. It really shouldn’t. But that may change. You may feel that you need to fit into the mold. But that is not true. You don’t need to change for others, even for your closest friends, my love. Stay true to yourself and don’t let others define you.

Gucci, you are unbelievably precious to us and we hope you realize that. We have loved you from the second we laid eyes on you.  We love you at your worst. Whatever happens, our love for you is not going to diminish. Always know that we are here for you without judgement and only with love. Your daddy and I will always have your back. Through thick and thin, good times and bad. One and only request to you, DO NOT EVER HIDE ANYTHING FROM YOUR PARENTS. TALK TO US FOR ALL THINGS HAPPENING IN YOUR LIFE OR ABOUT ANY THOUGHT/THING THAT IS BOTHERING YOU, EVEN IF IT IS TRIVIAL. TALKING TO YOUR PARENTS WILL ALWAYS HELP.

Now to your not so favourite part – the advices (You loved them till last year, by the way). I thought, I would give you 10 advices for your 10th birthday but you know me, I can’t stop at just 10.

Here they go…

1.    There are few people in your life who really care about you and who wants you doing your best. Your parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, teachers etc. Recognise them. Listen attentively to what they say . Learn and grow from their advices.

2.       If someone says some hurtful things to you, think to yourself ‘Are they important enough to get upset about?’ If they aren’t, don’t worry about it. If they are that important - confront them.

3.       Don’t look for anyone else’s validation for your own happiness or success. Learn to love and respect yourself without worrying if you’re ‘good enough’ or ‘cool enough.’ Realize that you are a person full of amazing potential and deserving of great things. You have always been and will always be … enough.

4.       Try new things.

5.       There are a lot of hard things when you are 10. Math is hard. Friends are hard. Getting told no is hard. Obeying is hard. Life is hard. Don’t crib. Take a deep breath and deal with it. Remember, every hard situation brings an opportunity. So always see the sunny side and cheer up!

6.   There’s a story of a Navajo grandfather who told his grandson that in each of us lives two wolves. The wolf of fear, doubt, pettiness and anger, and the wolf of love, compassion, happiness and kindness. These two wolves are in constant fight within us. "But, Grandfather" said the child, "Which one will win?” "The one you feed," answered the grandfather. Stop feeding your worries, my love.

7.       Beauty is not how you look. Beauty is created by your attitude, kindness and your actions.

8.       Keep yourself tidy. First impression is mostly based on appearance. Make it count.

9.       Everyone can find problems in everything but only a few has an attitude to find a solution. Be a problem solver not a complainer..

10.   If you don’t do it excellently, don’t do it at all.  ‘Never do anything by halves if you want to get away with it. Be outrageous. Go the whole hog. Make sure everything you do is so completely crazy it's unbelievable...’ Do you know who said this?

11.   Always admit your mistakes. Be teachable. Humility is necessary for growth.

12.   Losers are not those who do not win. They are those who stop trying.

13.   You love food. Make healthy relationship with food. Try 80:20 rule. Eat healthy 80% of the week and eat whatever you want in rest 20%.

14.   Speak up, my shy girl. Don’t worry about saying the wrong thing or embarrassing yourself. No one knows everything.

15.   If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you but if you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.

16.   Stop leaving things half way when they get hard. Finish what you start.

17.   “The Best way to predict your Future is to create it.”– Abraham Lincoln. Currently, to create a good future, you need to put your full focus on your education. Nothing is more important.

18.   Hard work with consistency is the ultimate key to achieve anything you dreamt of.


Happy Birthday, Love! We wish you a life filled with sunshine, rainbows, laughter, fun and unlimited books!


Mamma and Daddy



  1. Wow !! 🤩 very impressive 😍like so much … 👌

  2. Omg. Itnu si chhotti ko itna saari advice.. But ananya is brilliant in understanding so she will definitely follow ur advice.


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