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Darling Anaya,

Today you are 9. This is your last year in single digits. How cool is that? I close my eyes and still see a cute tiny human with chubby cheeks. You still have the same sparkle in your eyes albeit with glasses (😊) You are growing leaps and bounds. You grew so much taller this year. You started your 3rd grade and gave your first exams.

My baby, we are amazed by how funny, loving, kind, helpful, thoughtful, intelligent you are. You are gorgeous inside and out. You see the world in such a special way, we love that. You have so amazing talents. Your love for books is out of this world and your writing is exceptional. And we hope you continue with that. You love learning new facts. Your knowledge and grasping of English language is outstanding. Your logic and arguments amaze us. We love to play ‘For and Against’ game with you. We wish that you will use your logical power to your advantage in future. We hope that you continue to better your strengths and follow your passion. We are so proud of who you are becoming.

You are very shy and introvert. You have difficulty talking to others mainly to those whom you do not know well. It is hard for you to make friends still you have so many amazing friends in school. This makes us really happy! But sometimes your introvert nature is perceived as rudeness. You need to improve on that. Sometimes you lose your temper very quickly and we want you to be stronger and more independent. Hope you will work on overcoming your weaknesses.

Last year was very difficult for all of us both physically and mentally. We are so glad that you faced everything bravely and came out stronger.

Our wish for your birthday is that you forever and always believe how special and wonderful you are. Always be confident enough to be you. Always remember we are always here for you to hold you, to help you, to encourage you, to love you, to comfort you, to guide you. Baby, you bring so much joy into our lives and you have made our lives so so much better and we love you to infinity and beyond!

Now to your favourite part – the advices. Some are new and some are repetition from last letter because they are immensely important. We hope you will always try to incorporate them into your life.

1.       There will be people who don’t love you or like you or accept you or understand you. It is OK. Do not take it to your heart and as Elsa says ‘Let it go.’ You just stay true to who you are, we promise you will always be enough.

2.       Laughter is really the best medicine. Your laugh light up the room. Laugh more.

3.       Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard. However talented you are, if you won’t work hard, you will be left behind.

4.       You have always been inquisitive, but as you are growing and learning more about the world, you have had more questions. Keep asking them, Baby Girl. That way you will learn the most.

5.       You can talk about anything with us even if you think we won’t like it. there is no topic that affects you that we don’t want to know about. We will have opinions; we might even have to step in to strongly guide you back on the right path but you will always find us in your corner.

6.       Appreciate happiness and celebrate achievements, however small.

7.       The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence. Believe in yourself.

8.       Listen more and listen attentively.

9.       Write your thoughts. It brings clarity to the mind.

10.   Wherever you are, try to find beauty around you. A cloud looking like a duck, a smiling face, a magnificent tree, a gorgeous flower, a fascinating line of poem. It gives your mind positivity.

11.   Don’t worry about things you can’t control.

12.   Spend time in nature.

13.   Winning is not a goal. Learning and growing is.

14.   Be open to new experiences and ideas. They teach a lot.

15.   If it feels wrong, it is.

16.   You create your own joy. Do not let others steal your happiness.

17.   Whatever you do, do it with an intention of doing it the best.

18.   Good Education is the only way for brighter future.

19.   No secrets from mom and dad. Ever.

20.   Life will not always go how you planned it and you will not always get what you want. Learn to face disappointments with dignity.



That’s all for this year.

We love you more than we ever thought possible and we are so glad you are ours.

Happy birthday, Gucci!



Mamma and Daddy



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