
Showing posts from July, 2022

'If I lived in the Stone Age' in Times NIE 18/7/22



  If I lived in the stone age, what would I do? There would be no TV or airplanes or internet too   There would be no Netflix to watch in my free time To buy the things I need, I wouldn’t even have a dime   How would I talk to someone If I had something to say? May be my hand gestures would come into play   I am sure I would be the first one to discover fire Tree leaves sewn together would be my attire   All the wild animals would become my friends All day and night, in great fun, we would spend   Out of all the jobs, I would take up farming I think living in the forest would be pretty charming   I would make the cutest cart out of wood Live in a cozy cave and eat many delicious fruits   I would climb on many tall trees And get some sweet honey from the bees   In the stone age, there would be no rules to follow I would swim in the rivers not so shallow   I would make tools using stone, wood and sticks And make a comfy house by inv